Thursday, February 26, 2015

Quick & Easy Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast

The Mayo clinic states that belly fat is often the most dangerous to carry, yet the first to go when you begin an exercise program. Cardio exercises involve multiple muscle movement, while lean muscle consumes your belly fat for energy. Doing exercises that combine both, such as burpees, can help you lose belly fat quickly. You can also do exercises like the reverse crunch that strengthen your abdominal muscles, which will help your belly look flatter.

Reverse Crunch

  • The reverse crunch works out your lower abdominals, which aren't strengthened through the typical crunch or sit-up exercise. Start by assuming the normal crunch position, with your back and feet flat on the floor. Your hands should be by your side. Cross your feet and lift your legs until your shins are parallel to the floor. Your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor as well. Lift your shoulders off the floor but keep your eyes focused up. Begin the crunch motion by bringing your knees to your chest and back out. Fifteen reverse crunches should complete a set.

Push Up Jumping Jacks

  • The push-up jumping jack combines the push up exercise with the jumping jack. Start by putting yourself in the push-up position, with arms extended at shoulder width and toes no more than a foot apart. As you go to the push-up "down" position, split your legs by taking them to three feet apart. As you come back to the "up" position, jump them back together. Keep your abdominal muscles tight and back straight with each repetition. Ten repetitions should complete a set.


  • Burpees can get your whole body moving from vertical to horizontal and back to vertical position, giving it a total work out in one exercise. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hands by your side. Reach for the sky with your hands and stand on your toes. Then bend your knees and put your hands directly under your shoulders. Next, kick your feet backwards until you are in the push-up position. Quickly jump your feet back under your knees. Finally, stand up and reach for the sky again. That completes one of eight repetitions. For an added challenge, complete a full push-up once you are in the push-up position.