How to Lose Man Breasts and Fat Fast

As men age, some tend to gain weight in areas where they may not have accumulated fat when they were younger. One area in which you may accumulate fat tissue is in your upper chest, around your pectoral muscles. Once you have added a layer of fat to this area, you may develop an embarrassing condition widely known as man breasts. There are some simple methods you can employ to combat this problem and rid yourself of your unwanted cleavage.

Things You'll Need

  • Weight-lifting equipment

Tips For You

  1. Avoid ingesting products that produce estrogen in the body. Estrogen is a hormone that gives females their sexual characteristics, such as breasts. Estrogen is found in small amounts in males, but not in levels sufficient to cause men to look and develop physically like women. If you consume enough products that produce estrogen, your body can begin to produce breast tissue as it would if you were a woman. Avoid alcohol, tobacco and marijuana. All of these items are known to produce estrogen in males.
  2. Begin an exercise program. You need to lose body fat in order to do away with your man breasts. The breast tissue is composed of fat, so exercise is a must to order to strip your body of it. Alternate cardiovascular workouts such as running, jogging or bike riding with resistance training. For instance, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday do a cardio workout for 45 minutes to an hour. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday do resistance training. Some good exercise to use in your workouts includes squats, bench presses, pull-ups, dead lifts, and lunges. Perform two or three sets of each exercise, and try to do 10 to 12 repetitions per set. Rest for one minute between sets.
  3. Reduce your carbohydrate intake. Lowering your carbohydrate intake will drastically reduce the amount of time it takes you to lose weight. Your body will switch over to a fat-burning mode once it is free of carbohydrates in the blood stream. Your pancreas will secrete a hormone called glucagon that will convert fatty acids in your body to ketones. Ketones are more readily burned for energy by the body and are also excreted during urination and breathing. Try to limit your daily carbohydrate intake to 50 grams or less. Base your meals around lean meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits and nuts.