5 Tips on How to Lose Belly Fat

Tip 1: Cut down on alcohol to lose belly fat

Firstly, cutting down on beer or other alcoholic beverages is an effective way to lose belly fat, as alcohol is basically pure concentrated sugar which will eventually be stored in the belly area. Besides, alcohol also causes low blood sugar levels and dehydration, leading to an increase in appetite and binge eating at the end of a drinking session.

Besides these, the liver also processes alcohol before other carbohydrates and protein, thus the presence of alcohol in the body slows down fat burning. For instance, studies have shown that your body’s ability to burn belly fat decreases up to 73% for a few hours after having a couple of drinks and drinking more than a couple of drinks can lower your fat burning ability for up to 4 days.

Tip 2: Drink more green tea to lose belly fat

We all know the slimming benefits of green tea, but you might be surprised to know that EGCG, an antioxidant in green tea, helps to boost metabolism and increase the release of fat from fat cells; and specifically targets belly fat.

If you want to lose belly fat fast, try sipping green tea before a workout as these antioxidants will increase fat-burning during aerobic exercise.

Tip 3: Add herbs to your food to lose belly fat

Many types of herbs can help you to lose belly fat by boosting metabolic rate, increasing fatty-acid release and suppressing hunger. Thus, adding some spices and seasonings which contain such herbs will help you to lose belly fat.

For instance, Basil leaves aid in digestion and help to burn calories. Ginger has thermogenic properties which help to boost metabolism and an appetite-suppressant effect when consumed.  Peppermint helps to reduce bloating in the tummy and trigger the release of extra bile from the gall bladder to digest fat.

Tip 4: Drink more water to lose belly fat

If you want to lose belly fat, drink more water to maintain the fluid balance in your body. Water helps your body to digest your food fast and flushes out your system so there’s less residue to be stored as fat. Besides, drinking lots of water also helps to reduce bloating and water retention, make you feel full so you eat less overall, break down fat for energy and move nutrients to your muscles to maintain your metabolism level.

Tip 5: Laugh out Loud to lose belly fat

Interestingly, laughing out loud is another easy method that you can try to lose belly fat. Experts say having a good laugh (out loud) causes your abs to contract. This helps to tone up your abdominal muscles and give you a flatter tummy in the long run.