A detox where you starve and drink liters of fluid for a short-term cleans is not always the best nor a great idea. The healthy way to detox is not about flushing the toxins out of your system all at once. It is better to optimize such function of your body's own detoxification system on daily basis. The awareness of increasing chemicals and toxins in the air we breathe, the soil our food is grown in, or the water we drink is reality and unfortunately, there is no escaping from it. Eating wrong foods over a long time, this means the need for a detoxification, this does not mean everyone has to go through a detoxification; it all depends on certain circumstances.
This becomes than the question: What type of detox do I need? There is no formula for this, or a "ONE" size fits all strategy. It's a matter of circumstances what suits you best and what feels right for you. What is the reason for a detox? Health, what type of health? To lose weight, or many other issues? The wrong food is the biggest contributor to our bad health today. The first issue to take into account before any detoxification should take place is change of diet.
Choices of Food
Going on chunk food binges and loading up on too much sugary food is a certainty to build up harmful toxins in your body. Obviously, nobody would want to have poisons inside them. To rid your system of these unwanted substances you must let go of unhealthy eating habits and start an exercise discipline to control your cravings. In addition to mental conditioning, and for better stress management. A healthy eating plan is necessary to make sure toxins come out and stay out. With a little bit of restraint and a few changes in your dietary lifestyle, your detox regimen will pay off in the long run. If these toxins continue to go in to your body and stay there, your two most vital organs, the liver and kidneys, will suffer. Your liver processes 100 gallons (378.54 liters) of blood every day, removing heavy toxins that enter your body from processed foods, water and air.
Choosing the Right Detox
The right detoxification method is not as simple as doing the first that you come across. A common misconception about cleansing diet is not to eat anything at all, drink lots of water or un-flavoured liquid during the day. Short term cleanses are not always the best outcome or a great idea. As most toxins accumulate in your body they than become fat cells. This is the process when the liver takes on the job to metabolize these toxins to transform them into water-solubles to remove them from the body via stool, urine and sweat. Actually, sweating is healthy, it has many health benefits including detoxification. Sweating improves blood circulation, it also kills bacteria and improves skin tone.
The problem starts by using the wrong detox. With a harsh or severe detox plan it will remove these toxins too quickly where the liver becomes overloaded and is unable to dissolve these toxins. Therefor, the toxins are not discharged the normal way and finish up in the bloodstream, which can trigger all sorts of illness to any of the vital organs. This is not advisable because it simply starves the body of essential nutrients. Once that plan has completed most people go back to the old habits and lifestyle as before. The same result: You are back where you started from, gained a few extra pound or kilo's of weight; for some people (women especially) this is an unacceptable situation. So it is a must during a detox to choose an effective and healthy eating plan. The tips below will help with different options.
Change your Meals to Smaller Portions
Eat less but eat more often. If you are accustomed to three meals a day, break down your eating plan. Schedule into five or six meals daily. This does not mean that you will take in more food, though. Make each meal a light one composed of vegetarian fare, plus a serving or two of carb-laden entrees (whole wheat bread and pasta are perfect). The reason you should eat more often is to help you stave off those hunger pangs. Going hungry because a plan calls for it isn't good: It simply places an additional challenge for you not to break from your regimen, but finally give in to cravings. Space those small meals to cover your waking hours and keep you satiated. This way, your unhealthy urges are easily overcome.
Flushing out toxins: How much water should we drink? It is important to up water intake to complement your new eating strategy. It is imperative that you meet your daily water needs: Body thirst is easily mistaken for hunger. Keep both in check. In addition, water also plays a major role in flushing out those toxins. To get the best results out of your healthy eating plan drink lots of water. It is also important to note, drink the water in between meals and not during the meal. Being on a detox diet as such this is the reason to have more water over this time only. However, being told to drink 2 liters or 8 to 10 glasses of water every day, regardless if your body needs it or not, is a completely misguided approach. Once your body has lost its liquid content it will signal its need by making you feel thirsty; drink plenty of water than. Continually drinking too much water lowers sodium levels in blood, and can cause cell swelling.
Choose Quality Over Quantity
Emphasize quality over quantity in your food choices. Instead of trying to load up on stuff which, while satisfying, is just empty calories. Fill up mainly on vegetables and fruit. If you are more of a meat lover have less red meat and more of the white meat like chicken and fish. The greater portions should come from vegetables and fruits in your diet. While most veggies and fruit be eaten right of the farm, you don't have to consume them raw every time. A lot of trendy dishes make use of all-veggie ingredients. You will find that plenty of superb recipes call for steamed or grilled vegetables. You can also use a quality supplement that has different fruits and/or vegetables in a liquid form for extra nutrients to help rebuild your body. Keep it natural, simple, stay on track, and focus on the goal. The most important step to a perfect detox is the change to a healthy diet.