Does Working Out & Eating Paleo Increase Sexual Energy?

Both diet and exercise can drive human desires for sexual pleasure. The Paleo Diet is a healthy way to eat that mimics the way our ancestors lived. Combining this healthy and evolutionary way of eating with exercise can boost your sexual energy. This powerful combination of diet and exercise works for both men and women.

Paleo Diet

  • The Paleo Diet recognizes that the average person consumes a different diet than our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The diet is high in protein, recommending that 19 to 35 percent of your diet should come from protein sources. Low-starch carbohydrates are permitted, but should only account for 35 to 45 percent of your diet. The diet also recommends higher intake of fiber, potassium, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and consuming monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats instead of saturated fats.

Sexual Performance

  • Diet has been shown to increase sexual energy and sexual performance. A study published in the "Journal of Sexual Medicine" in 2011 showed that men were able to improve sexual function with a healthy diet. The men were on a high-protein, carbohydrate-reduced, low-fat diet, similar to the Paleo Diet, and were able to maintain increased sexual performance for a period greater than one year.


  • A study published in "The Journal of Sexual Medicine" in 2013 found that men who exercised more had greater sexual energy as measured by erectile function and testosterone levels. However, it’s not just men that see increased sexual energy from exercise. A study published in the "Annals of Behavioral Medicine" in 2012 showed that exercise increases genital arousal in women. Both men and women have more sexual energy after exercise.


  • The Paleo Diet's high protein intake is a sexual energy booster. Protein will naturally boost levels of norepinephrine and dopamine, two neurotransmitters that increase sensitivity during sex. Increased sexual sensitivity is going to boost your sexual appetite.