Fruit on the HCG Diet

Diet trends come and go, and with the latest craze come many questions. Usually, and with good reason, the questions surround what can and cannot be eaten to follow the diet plan. Dieters want the most success as quickly as possible and clear guidelines are not always available. The HCG, or the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, diet has strict limitations that must be followed to achieve the results so widely publicized. 

How It Works

HCG is the hormone created in the early months of pregnancy, which research suggests promotes dramatic weight loss quickly. Accompanying a small dose of HCG every day, dieters follow a low calorie meal plan of 500 calories per day which results in weight loss of up to 2 pounds per day and sometimes more.

Getting Started

The HCG diet is going to be rough--but every diet is in the beginning. Commit yourself to following the plan to the letter. Eat every meal as directed, including eating fruit. Breakfast consists of only liquids. Drink as many non-caloric, non-caffeinated beverages throughout the day as possible.

In addition to a serving of lean meat and vegetable, lunch also includes one approved fruit, which includes apples, grapefruit or strawberries. The quantity of strawberries must be measured, but you are allowed one apple or one grapefruit.

The dinner menu is the same as lunch as far as what is allowed, including a serving of fruit. Your fruit serving can be used as a substitute for dessert or used as a snack after dinner.

The first phase lasts 43 days and is typically when you will see the most dramatic weight loss. Your body will be in a "shock" of sorts and will burn additional calories and fat stores.

The importance of the fruit is not only to provide nutrients, but also to create the illusion of curing a sweet craving. Do not eat too much fruit as it can have negative effects on other areas of your health.

While you may be tempted to have a pear or banana as a serving of fruit on the HCG diet, resist the temptation. One key factor in the diet is the balance of nutrients you ingest, and these fruits contain more natural sugar than is allowed. Eating fruits that are not included as part of the HCG diet plan will result in slower weight loss.

Not only do other fruits have higher sugar content, they also have more calories. Another key to the HCG diet is controlling the amount of calories eaten. HCG dieters are allowed 500 calories per day; eating a banana rather than a half of a grapefruit will alter the calories consumed, again resulting in slower weight loss.