Atkins Diet basics
- The Atkins diet is a high protein, high fat diet that restricts the body's intake of carbohydrates. The diet tricks the body into a state of ketosis in which it switches over to burning fat that is stored and uses the protein intake as fuel and energy for survival. The diet consists of a strict 14 day regimen called Induction. Induction involves an almost complete restriction of carbohydrates---allowing only 20 grams per day. The diet lets dieters eat an unlimited amount of meats, eggs, cheeses, butter and fats that contain no added preservatives. A small amount of low carb greens can be eaten once a day---but in scarce amounts. No sugar, bread or potatoes are allowed on the diet. No low fat or processed foods are allowed whatsoever. After the 14 days---the maintenance phase kicks in and the body is slowly re-introduced to certain types of carbohydrates. The diet claims the dieter will lose up to 7 to 15 pounds in the first 14 days.
The diet first became popular in 1972 when Robert Atkins introduced the "Atkins Nutritional Approach" which was the initial debut of the diet. He wrote a book called the "Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution" which quickly became a New York Times best seller. Thousands of Atkins followers praised the diet and how fast they were able to lose weight by eating natural rich fatty foods from the land. The traditional low fat, low calorie intake diets became a thing of the past in the late 1970s and 1980s. People were losing a significant amount of weight---often times 45 percent more than those on low fat diets---transforming the way many diet goers looked at weight loss and becoming healthy.
Physical changes
- Once the body starts off in the initial ketosis phase---which usually takes place after 48 to 72 hours into induction---changes begin to affect the body. One of the most common is muscle cramping. This is due to the body's lack of carbohydrate intake and water loss. Plenty of water is recommended throughout the life of the diet to help ward off muscle cramps and make them easier to deal with. Bruising of the skin can also occur quite easily. Bad breath is also a side effect to the diet due to the body being in ketosis. Dark colored urine is a sign of ketosis and that fat and waste is being expelled from the body. Weight loss can appear to be rapid---especially at the onset of the diet. One of the first areas of the body to see a weight change is typically in the belly---where the body often stores the most fat.
Staying healthy on the Atkins Diet
- By taking a daily multi vitamin---the body will still be able to maintain some nutritional flow. This is important as the body is deprived of important nutrients due to lack of carbs and fresh vegetables and fruit. Daily exercise is crucial to keep muscles active and joints moving. Avoiding drinks that contain caffeine is beneficial so that weight loss is not stalled throughout the diet. Having a routine check up throughout the life of the diet is important to keep an eye on blood sugar and cholesterol levels. For those who suffer from low blood sugar or hypoglycemia---care needs to be taken initially as the lack of carbohydrate and sugars can cause blood sugar to reach drastically low levels. Because of the initial high fat and high calorie intake---those with high blood pressure and cholesterol should have approval by their primary physician before beginning the diet.