How to Balance Diet & Exercise

Diet and exercise both play an important part in good health. Poor nutrition leads to many medical conditions and illnesses. Likewise, good nutrition is an important component in the treatment of certain conditions. Necessary nutrients must be present for organs and tissues to perform their various activities. Exercise also has a strong effect on overall good health. Exercise can improve mental abilities, as well as physical capabilities. You can create a beneficial balance between diet and exercise and increase your sense of well-being.

Tips For You

  1. Consult your physician if you have any health conditions or have been sedentary for a length of time. Exercise should be started gradually if you are not used to being very active. Sudden exercise taxes the heart and places undue strain on muscles and joints, sometimes leading to injuries. Dietary changes may also exacerbate some medical conditions, such as diabetes and some autoimmune diseases.
  2. Incorporate physical activities into your daily routine. Small steps add up when increasing your level of activity. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a distance away in parking lots. Get up from your desk often to avoid long periods of sitting. Purchase a pedometer to keep track of your movements during the course of the day.
  3. Begin an exercise routine. Devote at least thirty minutes every day to your physical fitness activity. Write this out and post it in an obvious place. You can choose to walk around the block every evening and lift a few free weights, or you may prefer to visit a gym. Gyms can be very beneficial in providing motivation. Vary your routine from day to day, in order to include benefits to every muscle group and encourage good health.
  4. Consume nutritious food every day. Raw fruits and vegetables provide a plethora of nutrients in their natural state. Make these foods comprise 50% of your daily dietary intake. Protein is also important to muscles and connective tissues. Consume protein in the form of beans and dairy products, or low-fat meats, such as turkey and fish. Add whole grains, seeds and nuts to your diet.
  5. Write down all of your goals and accomplishments on a calendar. Weight concerns are best addressed when tracked on a regular basis. Many dieters find that keeping a log of their daily food intake assists in weight loss. Write down everything you eat during the day, while making note of how you feel, as well as any weight gain or loss. Also keep track on your calendar of exercise goals. Increases in endurance and strength can help motivate you to continue your good health routine.