Tips For You
- 1STAND UP STRAIGHT -Standing up straight help to lengthen you and improves your posture. Not only do you look taller, but your also toning your stomach muscles while doing it.
- 2DRINK PLENTY OF WATER -You may think drinking water will bloat you up, but the opposite is true. When you do not drink enough water you can become dehydrated and your body will hold in more water then it should. It helps to flush your system out and keeps you healthy as well as your skin hydrated. You should drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.
- 3EAT SLOWLY -There is no eat to eat fast. Take your time chewing and eat slowly. When you eat fast you also tend to eat more calories. To help yourself from consuming unneeded calories eat slowly. Set your fork down between bites and properly chew your food all the way. It can also take up to 20 minutes for your brain to send the signal it is full so eating to fast should just be avoided all the time.
- 4WALK MORE -Take time out for yourself to take a walk each day. If you have a dog take him/her with you. It is not strenuous exercise and it is good for you in so many ways. Even at the office, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away when you go shopping, etc. Little things like this can add up to a lot.
- 5STOP CHEWING GUM -Chewing gum tends us to swallow more air causing us to become bloated and even gassy. Don't chew gum unless you really feel the urge to. If your worried about your breath suck on a mint instead or carry along a toothbrush and toothpaste with you. There's no shame in caring for your smile.
- 6SUPPLEMENTS -Include both calcium D-glucarate (1,000mg) and B-complex supplements to your daily regimen. Excess estrogen causes the body to retain fat around the waist, aren't we lucky? However both of these supplements have been shown to help you decrease the hormone. IN the end, a flatter belly.
- 7EAT FOODS THAT BLAST BELLY FAT -Just eating some foods often will help you to burn fat from all over including your belly. Some of these foods are the following.Insoluble fiber
Hot pepper
Dairy Products
Orange Juice
Bananas - 8EAT ALL YOUR MEALS-You should never skip any meals throughout the day. This can actually backfire on you and slow down your metabolism. The most important meal of the day is breakfast and should be consumed within one hour of waking up. During sleep your metabolism is in a fasting mood and needs to be recharged. So eating within an hour of waking does that for you.
- 9ADD OLIVE OIL DAILY -Consuming a small amount of olive oil daily can help to flatten your belly. It has been shown that olive oil helps in cutting heavy fats if you take it in your diet properly. Do not consume to much has it will not totally make your belly flatter on its own. Just switch your regular oil to olive oil to help you not gain any more weight.
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