3 Essential Elements of Good Weight Loss

From fad diets and health shakes to weight-loss programs and celebrity exercise DVDs, there are many options to choose from if you want to drop some extra pounds and get into shape. Ultimately, though, it’s the simple approach that’s needed if you want to lose weight and keep it off. The three essential elements for effective weight loss don’t require an expensive gym membership or involve depriving yourself of food or the occasional treat.


  • Losing weight by focusing on your diet involves burning more calories than you consume, so it’s important to stick to a set number of calories per day. Download a calorie counter app for your smartphone to help monitor your intake. Avoid fad diets and aim for a healthy balance of carbohydrates, protein and fiber. It takes time for your body to digest fruit and vegetables, leaving you feeling fuller for longer, so add in plenty of each during your day. Swap sweets, fizzy drinks and chips for fruit juices, nuts and seeds.


  • For long-term success, physical exercise is just as important as calorie counting, and there are lots of ways to get your body moving for free. Incidental exercise like using the stairs instead of the elevator, walking instead of taking the bus or joining in a game of football with the kids in the backyard all count. Once you start to move around more, push yourself a little with a light jog around the block or a run around the local park. A fitness class at the local church or school sports center is less intimidating and a lot cheaper than attending a gym.
  • A sensible diet and exercise need to become a permanent part of your life; neither has to involve depriving yourself. You have to be mentally and emotionally ready to make the change to healthy eating and daily exercise. Think of food differently; swap the sugary treats for healthier options like frozen grapes and apple slices. Take the long-term view and don’t forget that it is acceptable to treat yourself to a slice of cake every now and then. See exercise as a boost to your mood and a long-term investment for a long and healthy life.


  • Take one day at a time and have realistic aims; it’s better to lose a pound a week than become disillusioned and give up early on. Don’t expect instant results. Drink plenty of water to fill yourself up; thirst can sometimes be mistaken for hunger. Try leaving some food on your plate at the end of every meal, or better yet, serve up smaller portions than you think you’ll need. Add in herbs and spices to make bland food more tasty. Pay attention to what you’re eating; take your time and chew and savor every mouthful.