Can Yoga Make You Look Younger?

Yoga is rapidly increasing in popularity -- "Yoga Journal" reports that 20.4 million Americans practiced yoga in 2012, as compared to 15.8 million in 2008. While yoga won't reverse the hands of time, it can help you look better, and even a little bit younger. The health benefits of yoga can also slow down the wear and tear on your body that comes with age.

Weight Loss

  • Yoga burns calories and can, over time, help you lose weight if you cut calories as a part of your yoga routine. Losing weight can help you look younger and healthier, particularly when you trim fat around your face. To maximize your weight loss, try a cardio yoga program, which combines elements of yoga and traditional cardiovascular exercise such as running and jumping.

Healthier Muscles

  • Yoga steadily stretches your muscles, increasing flexibility and improving balance and coordination. Strong muscles can help you maintain a healthier posture, which can shave years off your appearance. As you gain strength, your gait might also change. If you limp, walk unevenly or sometimes struggle with walking, a healthier, stronger walk can make you look younger, and regular stretching through yoga can help you achieve this goal. The reduced pain that many people experience with yoga can also make it easier to do other types of exercise that can continue to improve your health and appearance.

Reduced Stress

  • Regular exercise such as yoga can help ease stress and even beat a bad mood. Over time, stress can take a toll on your appearance, making your skin look older and even causing premature aging. The emphasis on breathing and relaxation in yoga is particularly helpful for combating stress, and as you reduce your stress load, you might find yourself looking -- and feeling -- younger.

Facial Yoga

  • Some yoga practitioners apply the principles of yoga directly to their faces, practicing facial yoga. This type of yoga is designed to firm up and strengthen the facial muscles, reducing sagging and muscle tension. Strengthening your facial muscles may help you look younger by giving you a more relaxed appearance and making fine lines, wrinkles and saggy skin much less noticeable.