Fast Effective Weight Loss for Women

Effective weight loss means taking unwanted pounds off permanently, perhaps after a pregnancy or during menopause. If you are hoping for fast weight loss, you will need to re-think your daily routines. A healthy diet that emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables with an exercise regime that builds lean muscle will help you to lose weight and look toned.

Tips for Eating Less

  • There are a number of easy changes that you can fit into your eating schedule which will help you to lose weight quickly. First of all, have a meal three to five times a day. It can be all too easy to graze off a child's plate and then not serve yourself because you feel you've already eaten. Prepare yourself a plate that is at least half vegetables or fruit, add a portion of lean protein and you have a healthy meal that will fill you up. If you feel you need more, add a serving of whole grains, like brown rice or a slice of whole wheat toast.
    Learn how big serving sizes are. Measure or weigh out your food with measuring cups or a food scale to avoid over-eating. Once you have served yourself, put the rest of the food in the refrigerator or back into the cabinet. In between meals, avoid refined, sugary snacks in favor of sliced vegetables or a piece of fruit. If you want some extra protein, which can help keep you satisfied, try a glass of skim milk or low-fat cheese.
    Start each meal with your vegetables or fruit, since they will help curb hunger by filling you up with fiber. Avoid fatty sauces and butter in favor of hot sauces or savory spices. Lemon juice and a splash of olive oil can replace mayonnaise in egg and tuna salads. Eat fewer starches by using large lettuce leaves to make a wrap instead of tortilla or bread.

Tips for More Movement

  • Adding physical activity to your diet not only will help you to lose weight, but you will see a difference in your body shape even before losing the pounds. That's because a pound of lean muscle takes up much less space than a pound of fat. The next time you are in a grocery store, compare a pound of butter with a pound of sirloin steak to see the difference for yourself. Build up to at least a half hour of physical activity every day.
    Start with a walk around the block, or take advantage of a flight of stairs. Going up and down a couple of times will get your heart rate up. If you own a dog, take it for a brisk walk or a jog. Your dog needs the exercise too, and knowing that you are doing something good for both of you is motivating. When you shop, park as far from the entrance as you can. Inside the store or mall, walk instead of taking escalators or the elevator. Adding extra activity to your day will burn off extra calories and help you lose weight safely and quickly.