Good Workout Ethic to Burn Fat Quickly

Burning fat quickly is the same as burning it effectively. Cardio alone contributes to about 10 percent of your fat loss. The most effective way to burn body fat is to build lean muscle. The more muscle mass you have the more fat you will burn. To burn more fat, incorporate resistance training and cardio into your exercise regimen.

Reverse It

When doing both weight training and cardio in the same workout, perform cardio exercises after the weight training to burn fat most effectively. The reason for this is that it takes about 20 to 30 minutes for your body to start using fat as the main fuel for your workout. Many exercisers do cardio before the weight training and use it as a warm up too. Reverse this to boost fat burning -- but don't forget to warm up. Perform interval training when you are doing cardio; vary your pace. Get your heart pumping within your targeted heart rate zone for your age and fitness level. Interval training helps you burn more calories in less time. Twenty minutes of interval training is more effective than going 30 to 40 minutes or working out at the same pace.

Mixing It Up

Do interval training by mixing cardio and resistance exercises. This will shorten the duration of your workout. Do a set or a few sets of weightlifting, for example, then do cardio for a few minutes and go back to lifting. That takes care of spiking the intensity and achieving different levels within your heart rate zone. You can find boot camp classes and total-body workout programs that take care of both. Depending on your workouts and the intensity, work out three to five times a week with resistance training. You can do cardio every day, but take one or two days off between cardio sessions. Pick something that you are able to do safely, correctly and that you enjoy.


No matter how much you work out, you will not achieve the results without a sound nutritional plan that supports your exercise efforts. You want your metabolism to work quickly too. Eating smaller, frequent meals -- perhaps five meals a day including snacks -- is ideal. Calorie control is important, but don't eat too little. Doing so will may not help you lose weight, and it is unhealthy. Fad diets backfire, and you're likely to regain all of the weight you lost -- and more -- once you stop the diet. When go into starvation mode, your body will hold on to what it has stored up -- especially fat -- as a protection against further starvation.


Eliminate simple sugar as much as possible. Don’t eat anything heavily processed or artificial. Eat a lot of veggies and lean protein. Concentrate on the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Minimize -- or better yet – eliminate simple carbohydrates. If you do eat some of foods containing simple carbs, eat them in moderation and early in the day so that you can burn them off during the day. Put all of this together, and you will burn that body fat more quickly and efficiently.