How to Burn Belly Flab

No matter how many crunches and situps you do, a fat layer on the abdominal area can cover up that desired six pack. In order to burn off the belly flab, you will have to combine a healthy diet and exercise routine. Reducing fat in one targeted area of the body is physically not possible because burning fat and building muscles are two different processes. To lose fat in the stomach area, you will have to start by lowering body fat all over the body.

Things You'll Need

  • Home-workout equipment or gym membership

Tips For You

  1. Eat frequently to keep your metabolism up and cravings at bay. Five to six small meals per day will keep you burning calories. There is no reason to avoid fats completely. In fact, 30 percent of your daily diet should consist of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which you can find in olive oil, avocado and nuts. Avoid bad fats such as fried food, candy bars, and fast food. Remaining nutrition should come from protein and carbohydrates.
  2. Incorporate 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, four to five days a week. Increasing the heart rate is the only way to burn off that fat layer. Working out on the stair climber, treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical machine are all sufficient. Going for a jog outdoors will also do. Mixing up the exercises will keep boredom at bay.
  3. Work out with weights for two to three days per week to speed up your results. Weight training will built muscle mass, which not only takes less space than fat, it will also keep your body burning calories long after you're done working out. Don't focus on just one area; train all the muscles of the body.
  4. Do regular abdominal exercises to tighten the stomach muscles. Dieting alone will decrease your weight, but not re-shape your body. Once you burn the belly flab, tight, toned muscles will start showing. Traditional crunches and leg lifts are some of the best abdominal exercises you can do.
  5. Sleep at least seven hours each night. Lack of sleep can induce cravings and increase the stress hormone cortisol which both can increase belly flab.