How to Get Abs Fast for Girls

Most women would like a healthy, strong body, regardless of age. Walking, jogging and cycling provide aerobic exercise, but you'll need to do some weight exercises to firm up and strengthen muscles in the places that jiggle, such as your abs. You already have the muscles; they need to be strengthened. Do this with a variety of exercises that may not be quick fixes but will get you to your goal more quickly than if you just did a few sit-ups every day.

Things You'll Need

  • Exercise mat
  • 3- to 5-pound weight

Tips For You

  1. Increase your fiber and whole-grain intake. According to, "Fiber helps slow digestion and prevent blood sugar spikes, lowering insulin levels. High insulin levels have been associated with an increase in abdominal fat." Eat foods such as oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa and popcorn.
  2. Add weight to your sit-ups. Lie in your favorite sit-up position on the exercise mat. Hold a 3- to 5-pound weight with your hands at your chest or behind your head. Do one set of eight to 15 sit-ups. Increase the number of sets as your abs strengthen.
  3. Slow your crunches. Lie on your back on your exercise mat. Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground. Place your hands behind your head. Crunch up with your abs without pulling on your neck. Take two counts up and then lower your body again in two counts. Do 15 reps. This forces your abs to work instead of relying on momentum, according to Marie Claire.
  4. Time your ab workouts. A routine that works your abs thoroughly can take as little as five minutes. If it takes 30 minutes before you feel a burn in your abs, your form may be incorrect. As in Step 3, make sure you focus on using your abs instead of momentum for any ab exercise you do.
  5. Make time for some aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise will burn off the fat layers covering your abdominal muscles far more quickly than just ab exercises alone. Choose an exercise routine that fits your lifestyle and interests, such as jogging, swimming or cycling. However, do these exercises in moderation because excessive exercise can make you retain fluids and become constipated.