How to Get a Flat Stomach in a Female

No matter how many crunches you do in the hopes to get a flat stomach, you will not be successful because the fat layer that is hiding your abdominals will always be in the way. You have to reduce your stomach fat to successfully work towards that flat tummy. Aside from liposuction, spot reducing fat is not possible. You will have to reduce your allover body fat to lower the fat in your stomach area. Adopting healthy eating habits and regular exercise is a good way to start.

Tips For You

  1. Increase the amount of times that you eat daily, but consume smaller meals. Schedule meals three hours apart and eat five to six times per day to keep your metabolism running and burning fat.
  2. Throw all fattening, unhealthy foods in the trash to avoid temptation and stock up on healthy fare such as brown rice, whole-grain breads, lean proteins, olive oil, chicken, fish, egg whites and fruits and vegetables.
  3. Enjoy your food by chewing thoroughly and eating slowly, because it takes your brain 20 minutes before it alerts you that you are full.
  4. Drink water to stay hydrated. According to the All Women's Talk website, dehydration leads to improper functioning of the liver and a less effective fat-burning process.
  5. Sip hot green tea, which is believed to elevate the metabolism and promote fat burn at the same time as it adds to your hydration.
  6. Monitor your sodium intake to less than 2,000 milligrams daily to prevent bloating and retaining excess water.
  7. Take up a regular cardiovascular workout routine, three days per week. Run, walk briskly, swim or ride a bike to increase the heart rate and burn fat. Challenge your body by not sticking with just one kind of exercise. Look into aerobics classes or work out with a buddy for extra motivation.
  8. Lift weights to build muscle tissue which accelerates fat burn. Work out all muscles of the body for all-over toning and fat loss. Work out with weights two to three times per week with a day in between workouts for rest.
  9. Train your abdominals three days of the week and allow one rest day in between each workout. Target the lower abdominals by doing reverse crunches and leg lifts. Work the obliques by performing side bends and elbow-to-knee crunches, and incorporate crunches and sit-ups for upper abdominal training.
  10. Perform the stomach vacuum exercise whenever and where ever you can. This exercise targets the transverse abdominals which act like a corset around the waist. While sitting up or standing up straight, breathe out all the air in your lungs and suck in your tummy. Pretend that the bellybutton is being pulled towards your spine. Hold the contraction in your stomach for as long as you can while breathing normally. Release it and repeat it as often as you are comfortable with.