How to Stretch Upper Abs

These exercises will help to stretch your upper abs. The purpose of these stretches is to increase flexibility in your core.

Get on Your Stomach

  1. Begin lying on your stomach with your hands on the floor beside your chest. Slowly push your upper body into an arching position and pull your navel to your spine. Drop your shoulders and take slow, deep breaths. Repeat this stretch two to three times.
  2. Begin standing with feet shoulder's width apart. Place your right hand on your hip and put your left arm out to the side. Reach away from your body and continue in a half circle motion until your left arm is over your head and you are leaning to the right. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat this stretch on both sides two to three times.
  3. Lie on your back while reaching your hands and feet away from you and continuing to breathe is an excellent abdominal release.