The Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast

Squeezing into an uncomfortable corset or girdle may be the only way to decrease the appearance of belly fat immediately. Although there is no magic bullet to lose stomach fat fast, there are ways to significantly decrease it over a matter of weeks and months. According to The Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide, carrying around extra fat in the abdominal region gives people an increased risk for diabetes and heart disease, as well as increasing the risk of breast cancer in women. So it's a healthy idea to shed excess abdominal fat and keep it off for good

Dietary Change

  • Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein in a surefire way to decrease stomach fat. This means that white bread, rice, pasta, and sugary snacks are off the menu. Instead, opt for choices like lean grilled meats (chicken and fish are good choices) and steamed or raw vegetables. Good snack options include low fat cheese (like mozzarella), fruits, and nuts. And remember to keep your calorie count within the normal limit for your age, weight and activity level. If you aren't sure how many calories you should be taking in every day, you can use the USDA's MyPyramid Plan to help you calculate.

Daily Exercise

  • Experts emphasize that in order to lose stomach fat faster, you will need to do a combination of both cardiovascular activity and strength training on a daily basis. This means that 30-60 minutes of brisk walking combined with a weight training program will help you to lose stomach fat. If this sounds like a lot, consider breaking up your routine into smaller 15-20 minute segments throughout the day. On the bright side, belly fat is usually one of the first areas to be affected by this increase in daily activity. Many wonder whether spot training a certain area of the body--such as doing crunches or other abdominal exercises--will help them lose weight in that particular region. The short answer is that it will help to build and tighten muscle in that area, but it won't shed that specific layer of fat covering the belly. Working out the entire body is the only way to lose fat faster.

Control Stress levels

  • The human body releases a hormone called cortisol when it encounters stressful situations. The hormone is secreted into the blood to give people the "fight or flight" response and help them endure the stressful event. The problem is that the more cortisol a person's body releases, the more abdominal fat they are likely to have. Learning how to manage stress in your life will lead to a decrease in stomach fat and an increase in overall health. Some ways to decrease stress include breathing exercises, yoga, meditation and daily workouts.