5 Ways To Burn Body Fat Starting Today

To successfully burn body fat you need an effective all round fat burning program. But it has to be done correctly and in a way that you can stick with so that you don't put the fat back on when you stop. Here are 5 quick tips to help you lose body fat starting today.

1. Don't Restrict Your Calorie Intake Too Much.

If you restrict your calorie intake too much, your body thinks that it is going into starvation mode, so responds by slowing down your metabolic rate to make the most of the food it is getting. For your metabolism to operate efficiency and burn calories, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, lean meats and whole grains. These foods will keep you full, and are not stuffed with saturated fat, sugar and calories.

2. Don't Miss Out Breakfast.

To kick start your metabolism out of its resting metabolism rate you need to fuel your body after sleeping. Having a healthy breakfast helps to wake your system and get it working to burn body fat. If you're skipping breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and high calorie snack foods during the morning.

3. Get Yourself Moving.

Research shows that after sitting down for 4 hours or more, your system produces less of the enzyme that helps to burn body fat and cholesterol. But, by just standing up and moving about kicks your system back in to gear. If you sit down for your job, ensure that you get up and move around for 5 minutes every hour.

4. Have An Effective Exercise Program.

Cardiovascular exercise burns fat and the most calories, but just for the period that you exercise. When you stop exercising, the calorie burn stops. On the other hand, strength or resistance training goes further. You burn calories while you are exercising and you also burn calories after you have stopped exercising. This is because your metabolism needs to restore the glycogen, or energy, back to your muscles. The best exercises to burn body fat are a mixture of both cardio and resistance training.

5. Have A Weight Loss Plan.

One of the main challenges that people face when they try to lose body fat is that they see the change in lifestyle as a prison sentence. But you have to remember that you are actually trying to have a healthier lifestyle. You need to make your diet and exercise routine work in such a way that you can maintain it. If you're too restrictive and don't allow yourself to have anything you enjoy, you won't be able to keep it up.