How To Choose Good South Beach Diet Snacks

Many people equate dieting to eating less. But that is hardly the case with South Beach Diet. This diet is touted as balanced low-carb diet in that the dieter is advised to consume a variety of foods that is in accordance to the glycemic index. The South Beach Diet is divided into three phases, with phase one being the “strictest.” In this phase, you are allowed to eat six times in a day, which include two snacks: mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Because you are not allowed to eat rice, pasta, bread, fruits, sugar, and baked items in phase one, you may find it quite hard to pick the foods to eat during the two snack times. But the truth is, you have a variety of options. And here is a guide to help you.
  1. Choose yogurt. Sugar-free, fat-free, and plain-flavored yogurt makes a good South Beach Diet snack. You can eat it on its own or make it a dip. Get some vegetables, say cucumber, celery, or lettuce, and dip them into a cup of yogurt. You can also use yogurt as a vegetable salad dressing.
  2. Take sugar-free Jello. South Beach Diet includes a daily intake of 75 calories. To meet this caloric requirement, you can eat sugar-free Jello, which has all the sweetness in it, but eliminates the guilt feeling. Sugar-free Jello comes in different flavors, so you can have variety even if you eat it everyday. You can eat it on its own or mix it with nuts or, for added flavor, coconut milk.
  3. Go for sweets. Other than Jello, you can also eat other kinds of sugar-free sweets like hard candies, popsicles, and fudgesicles to meet the daily 75-calorie requirement.
  4. Eat nuts. One serving of nuts is also a recommended South Beach Diet snack. You can take peanuts, almonds, pistachios, and cashews. Although you can eat them as they are, nuts are also good if paired with other snacks like low-carb dips and yogurt. To avoid overeating nuts, make sure to measure them correctly and keep in a zip-lock bag. Peanut butter also makes a good South Beach diet. A teaspoon of low-carb peanut butter is best paired with celery.
  5. Go for cheese. You can also eat low-fat cheese as a snack. Go for cottage, cheddar, or cream cheese. Add nuts and vegetables such as cucumber, tomatoes, and celery for extra flavor and variety.
  6. Choose vegetables. South Beach Diet involves a lot of vegetables. You can eat asparagus, beat greens, broccoli, celery, eggplant, lettuce, snow peas, spinach, tomatoes, and water cress, among others. Mix the vegetables together and add yogurt or low-fat cream cheese to make a vegetable salad. You can also eat them with tuna flakes and small dice of meat like ham.
  7. Take eggs. Hard-boiled and deviled eggs are excellent South Beach Diet snack. Eat them as is or with vegetables and meat. You can, for instance, include eggs in lettuce roll-ups with tuna.
The purpose of snacking is to control your hunger pangs. So each time your stomach is grumbling in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon, don’t deprive yourself; instead, take a good and satisfying snack.