How to Easily get Six Pack Abs

Follow all these steps and I guarantee you will be on your way to getting six or even eight pack abs.

Things You'll Need

  • Motivation
  • Dedication

Tips For You

  1. First you need to make sure you get your diet in check. You will need to eat small meals several times a day. You need to eat a low amount of calories, high protein, low carbohydrates, low fat diet. Your meals should consist of baked chicken or fish, healthy carbohydrates(brown rice, etc.), and vegetables. NO fried foods and replace all unhealthy snacks with fruits or nuts. NO sodas. If you are looking to lose weight too and not just tone up eat 500 calories lower than your maintenance calories amount. (There is a link to a calorie intake calculator at the bottom.)
  2. Second, do 45 minutes of cardio a day. If this is too much for you just work yourself up to it eventually. This is going to help you get leaner quicker and if you would like it can be done right before your ab workout and will increase your fat burning and speed up the whole process.
  3. Now last is your ab routine. This I will leave up to you to personalize your routine so I have included a link to a database of 50 ab exercises with detailed video and instructions. I recommend choosing 4 or 5 exercises you like best as your routine. It is a good idea to switch up exercises so your muscles don't get too familiar with your routine. When you are putting together your routine don't forget about you obliques.
  4. (Optional) You can take a fat burner to speed up the process. I don't recommend this unless you have a lot of fat to lose. You should make sure you are healthy enough to take a fat burner before using it and that you do not have heart problems. I don't take fat burners because I have a high metabolism anyway, but I would recommend either Lipo-6 or Hot-Rox.
  5. (Optional) Adopting a circuit training full body workout plan can assist in fat burning and toning. You can find a circuit training plan on