How to Get Six Pack Abs in 30 minutes

A strong and etched midsection is something anyone strives to achieve and are the signs of a well trained body. In order for this to be a reality it is important to challenge the midsection while simultaneously burning fat. When using a moderate set range (3-4 sets), high reps (15-20), and a low rest count (15-30 seconds) this can happen. This program is designed to facilitate muscle growth while increasing the metabolism.

Things You'll Need

  • Dumbbell, use a challenging weight

Abs in 30 minutes or less

  1. Grab a dumbbell that is challenging, but do not over do it. The oblique crunch can be a rather effective move if used correctly. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and place your feet a little less than shoulder with apart. Slowly bend to the right until you can go no further. Concentrate on the contraction. Do not just bend over in indolent fashion, but use a controled movement downward. Then use the same controlled bend to the other side. That completes one rep. This exercise will contain four sets, two sets of 15 reps and two sets of 20 reps. Try not to rest in between sets longer than 30 sections. After each completed set drop the rest time by five seconds. For an advanced exercise and arm involvement, when you bend to the right your left hand will pull the dumbbell to your arm pit. This will provide tricep and shoulder secondary involvement.
  2. Hold the a dumbbell that is approximately twice the weight you used on the above exercise and hold it parallel to your chest with both hands. This exercise is geared to the upper and lower abdominal muscles. Your legs should be shoulder with apart; and you will twist your torso to the left with out moving the dumbbell from the center of your chest. Make sure your midesection is contracted! Then twist to your right. That is one rep. You will aim for 4 sets of 15, 15, 15, 20. Once more, you will try to lessen the rest period between sets. If you feel comfortable, drop the rest time five seconds after each set.
  3. Training to have the midsection of an Eastern European athlete? The Russian twist can be very challenging and the enemy to many. You may want to try this ab exercise without weight to asses your ability. Lay on your behind with your legs slightly bend and off the ground. Your torso should be upright. Contract your midsection and twist to one side and touch the floor with both hand, then to the otherside. That is once rep. This will activate your entire midsection while challenging your core stability. Aim for three sets of 20 with as little time to rest as possible.
  4. Lower abdominal are hard to flatten, mainly due to diet, but need to be trained for a well-developed body. Lay of the floor with your legs four inches of the floor and a light dumbbell held by your feet. Raise your legs until peak contraction is made. Then lower to the starting position and repeat. Three to four sets should be appropriate. Use a rep pattern of 12, 15, 20, 25.