How to Get Six-Pack Abs in Four Weeks

Most individuals want to have six-pack abs. Having them makes the statement, "I am fit." It also makes a person more physically attractive. Normally, working on the abs is part of a daily exercise routine. There can be a time, however, when a person needs to have a six-pack in a short amount of time. This could be because of an upcoming wedding or because of a vacation.

Things You'll Need

  • Nutritional food
  • Water
  • Floor Mat

Tips For You

  1. Eat a well balanced diet. Eating healthy will help your body respond to the exercises that you are performing. Just read the food pyramid and make sure you are getting the recommended number of servings in each food group.
  2. Drink only water. Water hydrates your body while you are exercising and also doesn't contain any calories. It is best not to drink your calories.
  3. Continue doing your regular cardio exercising before you begin your extra ab exercises. This burns some of your calories which keeps any fat from building up around your tummy area. Keeping the fat away allows you to tone the muscles.
  4. Perform five reps of 10 knee lifts five days per week. Hang from a bar and pull your knees up as far as you can. Hold for two to three seconds and release. Repeat.
  5. Do five reps of 10 shoulder lifts five days per week. Lay down on a mat or carpeted floor. Raise your shoulders up and hold for two to three seconds. You may opt to lock your fingers together and place them behind your head.
  6. Do five reps of two bicycles five days per week. Lay on your back and slide your hands under your hips. Lift your legs up and begin moving them as you would if you were peddling your bicycle.
  7. Do five reps of 10 sit-ups at least five days per week. You may perform the common sit-up by either placing your hands behind your head, or by crossing them over your chest. For added benefit you should do one sit up straight ahead, one with your left elbow touching your right knee, and one with your right elbow touching your left knee.