How To Live Every Day Like a New Day

This topic hardly makes sense because every day is a new day. Only problem is, we often so busy with life that we forget. Below are ideas for trying a new thing every day. Some ideas are attempts to stimulate your senses. Others are just plain fun.
  1. Eat a new type of fruit - Kiwano? Clementine? Gooseberry?
  2. Add a touch of ginger or lemon zest to your fruit juice. It's taking the first step in spicing up your life in tiny measures.
  3. Start a new hobby - Knitting? Painting? Try something you can do in front of the TV! Easy as pie.
  4. Book a hotel for a weekend of romance with a loved one or be adventurous and travel to the unknown alone.
  5. Have "self-time" - spend a few hours doing everything YOU want to do.
  6. Enjoy a three-hour long five course meal with someone who appreciates food the way you do.
  7. For one day - learn to love your body the way it is.
  8. Sing out loud, when you're alone at home.
  9. Sing out loud when everyone's at home.
  10. Call up old friends just for a shopping spree or a sip of wine.
  11. Spend hours at a bookstore finding a perfect book to read.
  12. Have an in-house cooking class with a trained teacher.
  13. Take golf lessons - I'm serious. If you don't already play, it's a healthy solo sport. If you do, it's good to polish your swing.
  14. Organize a potluck party with your friends. Gossip, relax, and bond.
  15. Buy presents for fun - even if it's August. Small gifts cheer people up, and cheer you up as well.
  16. Make a scrapbook - Duplicate pictures and make a memorable scrapbook you can leave on the living room table.
  17. Plan a beach vacation - one which doesn't involve hectic tours, pollution, shopping or stress. Just lay by the beach, sip Mai Tais and relax.
  18. Bake something - spend a whole Saturday just baking one type of cookie. It pays off when everyone loves it. Also makes a good tea/coffee dipper.
  19. Go on a mini shopping adventure alone - walk around the mall, buy little snacks, and take as long as you want to absorb the colors around you.
  20. Wake up every morning, and do some morning exercises even if it means running up and down the stairs or walking around the neighborhood. Morning exercises can boost your energy, and leave you sleeping soundly at night.
  21. Learn how to cook a new dish from scratch. Inhale the aromas around you as you do - it makes you appreciate food more.
  22. Spend time with your individual family members, alone. Really get to know them. There's always something new to learn, little old things to resolve and everything present to appreciate.
  23. Take hurtful remarks with a grain of salt.
  24. Don't dwell on what others say to you - life's too short to care. Sometimes people say things they don't mean (or realize). Just smile and walk away.
  25. Be happy.