Quickest Way to Lose Weight on Your Belly

For many people, their belly is where they store most of their unwanted, stubborn fat. Unfortunately, losing weight from your mid-section is not as simple as performing a few crunches each day --- it is not possible to target a specific area of the body for weight loss. To lose weight from around your belly, you will need to reduce your overall body fat by tailoring your diet, lifestyle and exercise habits.

"Fad diets" and "overnight cures" are neither sustainable nor realistic. Opt for a healthy, balanced diet and an achievable exercise regimen to quickly and safely lose the weight on your belly.

Adjust Your Diet

  1. Eat five to seven small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism high and hunger swings at bay. Starving yourself is not a sustainable option. What's more, your body will try to store what little food you do consume as fat to combat the starvation.
  2. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. High in nutritional goodness and low in calories and fat, fruit and vegetables should be the foundation of your diet. As a rule, fruit and vegetables should make up half of each meal, with as much variety as possible throughout the day. Fruits and vegetables are also high in fiber. Dietary fiber is needed to promote healthy digestive function and regulate energy levels by controlling insulin response.
  3. Cut out refined carbohydrates or simple sugars from your diet. Avoid processed foods, packaged ready meals, confectionery, cakes, sauces, jams and syrups. Instead, get a sustainable energy release by consuming complex carbohydrates such as oats, brown rice and whole grains.
  4. Eat plenty of high-quality protein, found in fish, chicken, eggs and lean red meat. These are great sources of protein; helping to build and repair muscle and connective tissue, yet remain low in fat and calories. Consuming proteins such as these also boosts your metabolism.

Create an Exercise Regimen

  1. Strengthen your core (inner abdominals) by performing regular core strength exercises. A stronger core will result in an enhanced posture and the appearance of a "sucked in" stomach. Start by performing a plank everyday. To perform a plank, start by lying flat on your stomach. Lift yourself onto your elbows and keep your trunk fixed --- creating a straight line between your heels and head. Hold this for 30 seconds without letting your hips sink. Aim to increase to 60 seconds after several weeks.
  2. Undertake regular cardiovascular exercise. The U.S. Department of Health recommends at least 30 minutes of sweat-inducing activity, a minimum of three times per week. Cycling, swimming and jogging are all examples of cardiovascular exercise --- great for burning away those unwanted fat reserves in your belly. If you are substantially overweight, you will probably find that brisk walking will suffice to begin with.
  3. Start a resistance training program. Join a gym or invest in a barbell and dumbbell set. Resistance training burns calories, boosts your metabolism throughout the recovery stage, helps increase bone density and will improve your overall body composition. Exercising with the correct form and within your body's capabilities is essential. Enlist the help of a personal trainer or fitness professional to get you started.