How To Do a Military Resistance Training Workout

Training programs and workouts are usually done by people who are very much interested and into general fitness, excellent athletic performance, rehabilitation purposes and the like. Results of such intense training programs are increased strength, power, stamina, muscular endurance, discipline, and a general sense of well being. Athletes or health buffs who usually create training programs for themselves are used to intense rigorous training programs.
There are also those, however, who want to make sure discipline is also instilled with such training programs. Take for example, those who would like to adapt a military type resistance training, or a training that would shape and get their bodies used to the hard training they would usually get in a military training camp.
Military training usually involves starting with exercises that improve stamina, and then progresses to repetitive resistance workouts, which focus on different muscle groups.
Here are a few ideas on how to start with this kind of training program.
First, focus on stamina. This would involve cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging and running. After stretching, jogging for a mile or two would both serve as a warm-up, and also to enhance endurance and stamina. As you progress with your workout, you can even add weights to your regular run. Military training would usually involve carrying backpacks with weights or equipment, or even heavy rifles. You can start carrying dumbbells as you progress.
Then, focus on specific muscle groups. Resistance training involves moving your body’s joints and muscles through full range motion, with an applied force. While you can ideally use weights to achieve this, military training usually involves using callisthenics and the body itself for resistance. You can do push-ups to develop the triceps and back muscles. You can do pull-ups to develop the biceps, pectoral and abdominal muscles. And you can do crunches for the leg muscles. Remember to divide these exercises into sets.
Be sure to have short breaks in between sets. Excessive training and workout will not be effective if you over-train or over-work yourself. Anything in moderation is the way to go. Between each set and each workout, take about two to five minutes to catch your breath. This helps the body react to the previous set and also prepares the body to take the stress of the next set.
Warm down. Military exercises usually involve another round of jogging or running after the resistance workout. You can run another mile or two, even at a slower pace, to warm down from the heat of the exercise. Then after, remember to stretch each muscle group, to avoid injury and pain.
Keep at it. Who said you’d get it the first time? No pain, no gain. This is especially true when you consider the body and how it gets used to fatigue and stress. After an intense workout regime, you would get tired the first few days. That is why discipline should be instilled in a military resistance training workout, and this should help in enhancing your determination as well. Not only will your body get used to rigorous exercise, your mind will also be very much involved. Discipline will keep on pushing you further until you achieve your goals.