How To Do Shoulder Exercises: Shoulder Muscle Workout

Shoulder muscularity can make all the difference. Want a sexy image? Then you need strong delts (that's bodybuilding shorthand for deltoids). Increasing your size gives your body a balanced appearance. Say good-bye to jackets that make you look like you're in training for the NFL. And speaking of sports, strong deltoid muscles make for improvements on the playing field. 
Shoulders allow us to lift up our arms. Each one has a deltoid muscle. The deltoid is made up of three parts. The anterior (front) deltoid serves to raise the arm upward in front of the body. The medial (middle) deltoid raises the arm upward to the side. The posterior (back) deltoid raises the arm upward behind the body.
Just starting out as a bodybuilder? Then start with one or two sets (with 8-12 repetitions per set) for each exercise. If four exercises seems too daunting a task, then just do two or three. The most important thing is to make your workout doable. Yes, doing three or more sets of each exercise is ideal, and completing all four will give maximum results. However, if that amount feels like a chore, then it's not a realistic routine for you.
As with all body parts, make sure your shoulders are warmed up before adding pounds. This is one of the most important muscle building tips. A warm-up could be as simple as forgoing the dumbbells for the first set of an exercise. Weights for these exercises are light since the deltoid is a rather small muscle. The exception to this is the overhead dumbbell press; here, a heavier weight can be lifted because all three parts of the deltoid are working. Now, are you ready to do this shoulder muscle workout? It's time to build those delts!
  1. OVERHEAD DUMBBELL PRESS This exerciseeffectively strengthens the entire deltoid (anterior, medial, and posterior). To perform this exercise:
    • Stand or sit with dumbbells in hand. (Standing makes an exercise slightly harder because your core muscles are also brought into play. When standing, remember to keep knees slightly bent and abs strong.)
    • Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level with elbows bent and palms facing forward.
    • Press the weights up and toward each other as you straighten your arms, keeping just a slight bend in your elbows at the top.
    • Slowly bring the weights down to the starting position.
  2. DUMBBELL LATERAL RAISE This exercise focuses on the medial head of the deltoid. To perform this exercise:
    • Stand with the dumbbells in front of your body, palms facing each other.
    • Keep elbows and knees slightly bent, abs tight and shoulders relaxed.
    • Raise your arms up and out to your sides in a wide arc to about shoulder level.
    • Slowly return to the start position.
  3. BENT LATERAL RAISE (also known as REVERSE FLYES) This exercise works the posterior deltoid. It can be done from a sitting or standing position. To perform this exercise:
    • Begin by grasping two dumbbells (palms facing each other). Bend your torso forward so that it is almost parallel with the ground. Let the dumbbells hang down in front of your body.
    • With a slight bend to your elbows, raise the dumbbells up and out to the sides until they are parallel with the ground. As you lift the weights upward, focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together.
    • Slowly return the weights back to the starting position.
  4. DUMBBELL FRONT RAISE This exercise focuses on the anterior head of the deltoid. To perform this exercise:
    • Stand with the dumbbells in front of your body, palms facing your legs.
    • Keep elbows and knees slightly bent, abs tight and shoulders relaxed.
    • Raise your arms up in front of your body until they're at shoulder level. (If doing both arms at the same time makes it hard to keep good posture, then try lifting just one arm at a time.)
    • Slowly return to the start position.
Now you can do shoulder workouts. With faithful training, proper nutrition and rest, these four exercises will turn wimpy shoulders into impressive boulders.