How To Eat What You Want and Lose Weight

Everybody wants to eat their favorite food. The ironic thing about this is that they want to lose weight even though they want to scarf up on tons of food. They eat their favorite pizza, chocolate or chips, yet they want to lose weight. This is the main reason why people just stick to eating than trying to exercise. But don't you know that there is a way to eat your favorite foods while losing weight?
Losing weight at the same time as eating foods that you usually enjoy is not an easy task. It requires discipline and a great motivation in order for you to execute your grand plan. A person's mental state is his or her greatest weapon, but it is also his or her greatest enemy. If you are not that ready to pursue your goal of losing weight, don't expect anything. But once you are really decided to pursue your weight losing goal, then there are several steps to do this. And the best part is that you don't have to sacrifice eating your favorite food.
Here is what you have to do:
  1. Eat healthy foods and eat your favorites in moderation. Even the healthiest foods are not good for the body whenever you do not eat in moderation. This applies more to those greasy and oily foods such as chocolates or pizza.
  2. Exercise to get rid off those extra calories. This is your best weapon against that evil fat that stores up in your body. Chances are that your body will just accumulate more and more fat if you don't burn it off. Here are some tips you can follow:
  • Start off with brisk 30-minute walking trips around your neighborhood. These will burn most of those "shallow" calories, and make your body ready for more rigorous exercise.
  • Visit your nearest GP to acquire a health training program. They can access your condition and provide the necessary work-out sessions as well.
  • If you decided to buff up in a gym, get a gym instructor to help you if you're a beginner. An instructor may help you in your first warm-ups, help you operate equipment and do those cool down exercises.
  • Get a peer group to help you achieve your goal. It always helps to have people around when doing something. Get into fitness groups, take up team sports or do physical activities together.
  • Don't do it in one go, take it slowly. You won't tone down after a week. It is always good to start slow, gradually upgrading your goals into better ones.
  • Don't go cold turkey on eating your favorite foods. If you stop eating your favorite foods in one go, it will just make you crave for more. And once you can't control it anymore, you will just eat more, ruining all your hard work. The key, as stated above, is moderation. It is not bad to eat, just limit yourself.
By doing these steps, you'll be in tip top shape in just a matter of months. If you ever did ruin your plan, forgive yourself, and start all over again. Slimming down is not a one-shot process.