How To Find a Homeopathic Asthma Cure

What is a homeopathic cure? The principle behind homeopathy is that it aims to truly address the root cause of a disease, and not just alleviate the symptoms  - which is what most modern cures aim to do. Homeopathy is a natural form of healing, with the remedies coming from a variety of sources, such as plants and herbs, minerals, and sometimes even venom. It also works on the principle of self-healing, in that homeopathy practitioners believe that the body is naturally capable of fighting symptoms of disease; what is needed is for the disease sufferer to take in remedies that can help jump-start the body’s self-healing capacity.
Homeopathy as a viable medical system began in the early 1800s, and there are many carefully prepared and researched homeopathic remedies available today. Some of these remedies are specially developed as asthma medication and asthma treatments.
Asthma happens when the lungs’ airways become overly sensitive to particular substances, activities or environmental conditions which normally wouldn’t affect a non-asthmatic person. Some known triggers include  dust mites, pollen, cigarette smoke, vehicle exhaust fumes, strong fragrances, and strong emotions. Though asthma very commonly begins early in life and lessens upon adulthood, adult asthma, or the onset of allergic asthma symptoms at or above the age of 20, is not uncommon.
Homeopathy as a treatment option is best for mild asthma attacks, and it is essential that a professional homeopathy practitioner be consulted. This is because the asthma remedy will have to be developed based on the symptoms being experienced, as well as the overall physical state of the sufferer.
Some of the options for homeopathic asthma cures are the following:
  1. Arsenicum album. The origin of this remedy is arsenic trioxide; this is a poisonous white powder which is safe to take in very small doses. This asthma cure option is best taken if the asthma attacks generally occur in the nighttime and the sufferer tends to feel restless and anxious during the attack.
  2. Drosera. This option is taken if the asthma symptoms include having a bluish skin tone and vomiting.
  3. Ipecacuanha. The origin of this remedy is the dried root of a South American shrub. This option is best taken if the asthma sufferer feels that his lungs are congested with mucus, and he experiences nausea and fits of coughing.
  4. Natrum Sulphuricum. This option is best taken if the asthma attacks are triggered by damp environments.
  5. Pulsatilla. This remedy is best taken if the asthma sufferer experiences relief when exposed to fresh air.
  6. Spongia. This remedy is best for children with asthmatic symptoms including dry cough that gets especially worse in the nighttime.
Once the best homeopathic remedy has been determined, the dosage will then be  considered. It is highly important that the correct dosage be given to the asthma sufferer – hence the need for a professional homeopathic practitioner. Dosages are indicated on the bottles; generally, 12c or 6x potencies are designated for home use.
As homeopathy works with the principle of holistic cure, it is very important that not only will the asthma sufferer take in the designated remedy, he would also need to adjust his diet and his entire lifestyle to help his body in the healing process. He must learn to identify, for example, any specific foods that may trigger his asthma attacks - common triggers are fish, cow’s milk, cereals, peanuts, and most food preservatives - and instead fill his diet with food that will naturally help alleviate the symptoms, such as onions, chili, garlic and vitamin C rich food.
If you or a loved one suffer from asthma, know that there are several options out there for you and that you have the ability to help your own body in the healing process.