How To Start Walking for Exercise

By adding walking to your routine you can improve your health, mental capacity and your ability to relax and enjoy life. When you want to get the full benefit of walking you will need to start walking for exercise. Follow these steps and you can start walking.  

Step 1

Create a plan. Motivation can be difficult to maintain so if you want to make walking an exercise habit, start with a plan. Decide how often you will walk and for how long. Start off small with two or three days a week then build up to more ambitious walks. The plan should also include where you will walk and how walking will fit into your schedule. Try to have a backup location and time in case of inclement weather or emergencies. Write the plan into your calendar.

Step 2

Invest in great shoes. Walking in flip flops or ratty, worn shoes causes injury. Buy shoes that are fit for walking and that fit your feet comfortably.

Step 3

Invest in great shoes. Walking in flip flops or ratty, worn shoes causes injury. Buy shoes that are fit for walking and that fit your feet comfortably.

Step 4

Select your first walk route. If you followed step one and created a plan then you are set. When possible start with an easy, flat walk with a circuitous route. If you are walking in a circle then you have the confidence that you can complete the walk and get back to where you started. You can always make a second lap. Start small for your first few walks and make a single quarter mile or half mile route.

Step 5

Gradually increase your distance or time. Walks can be measured by distance or time, it is up to you. For time, start with a ten minute walk and walk as far as you can for the first five minutes then turn around and head back for the remaining five minutes. On your second or third walk you should add more distance or another five minutes to your goal. Then step up to another level the next week. Keep going until you reach your walking goal for time or distance.

Step 6

Keep challenging yourself. If you have reached your initial goal whether it is to walk for forty-five minutes or walk five miles, you cannot let yourself stagnate. Now is the time to start looking at the other aspects of exercise. If you started with a time goal, add a distance goal to your routine. Measure your new starting point then set a goal to improve your speed. You can also start with a more challenging route that includes hills or rougher terrain. Your muscles constantly need to be challenged so avoid a rut and keep setting new goals. Then work to achieve them.

Starting to walk for exercise is as simple as making the decision to start, creating the plan then sticking to it. By following these steps you will equip yourself to stick to the exercise plan of walking for your own health.