What's the Secret to Permanent Weight Loss?

Are you tired of your flabby body? Do you go on diet after diet but never lose your excess weight? Do you have a constant battle with your scale and never win?

Let me tell you about my friend, Andrea. Andrea, a brilliant woman in her fifties, struggled with excess weight all her life. She tried almost every diet known to man, but has never maintained her weight loss for long. She began to feel like a failure and didn't think that she would ever reach her ideal weight.

Andrea discovered Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) a few years ago and it transformed everything for her. EFT is often described as acupuncture without needles and produces lasting results quite quickly. Acupuncture is based on the Chinese meridian energy system, and so is EFT.

The meridian energy system is a system of lines of energy that run through the body. It is similar to the electrical circuits that run through your home. If a circuit is damaged then the electricity is not going to flow - it becomes blocked. Similarly, if any of your meridian lines become blocked then your body's natural energy system becomes blocked also, causing dis-ease in your body.

By practicing EFT Andrea discovered that her excess weight was a block that she developed to cope with childhood trauma. So of course, it was a struggle to lose the excess weight. She worked with me to address the impact of the earlier trauma. It was a challenging time, but she worked hard to heal her spirit.

By the summer of 2014 she was ready to release her excess weight. This time she tapped on her feelings about her body and the entire weight loss experience. She began to love her body, even tapping before her meals.

And the result, Andrea released 14 pounds in 4 months (a safe, sensible and steady amount of weight to release in that time) and has kept it off. Due to current health challenges, she has limited mobility and exercises less than before. However she continues to release her excess weight.

So, what's the secret to permanent weight loss? Identify what caused you to gain excess weight and heal it. As you practice Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), you will heal the blocks behind the underlying cause and the stress caused by dieting. Yes, dieting is stressful and no one ever addresses it.

Are you ready to release your excess weight with less stress? EFT also clears the stress that you experience as you release your weight. You can learn practices that support you in creating the body you desire with ease.