4 Tips to Lose 4 Pounds in 4 Weeks

Some people are obsessed with rapid, quick weight loss. Whether it's Beyoncé's radical "Master Cleanser Diet," or Oprah's promise of quick and easy weight loss, we all want to drop the pounds fast. Unfortunately, this emphasis on quick weight loss ignores the health risks associated with unmanaged, rapid weight loss. If you try to lose weight too quickly, you can cause health problems and wellness issues. Even worse, fad diets like those offered by celebrities are hard to maintain in the long run. "You can lose weight on just about any diet, but when it's over you gain the weight right back -- unless you've changed your behaviors," says Kathleen Zelman, PhD ( source). "Slow, gradual loss is the most successful route to long-term weight control," she says.
In this health and diet article, we'll show you four easy ways to lose four pounds in four weeks. That's just one pound a week! While this might not seem like much, slow weight loss is easy to maintain over the long run and is also healthiest. Would you rather lose four pounds a month and keep the weight off, or lost 20 pounds in a month but gain it all back after you're done dieting? In this fitness and dieting article, we want to focus on manageable, slow weight loss that's easy and efficient.

4 Tips to Lose 4 Pounds in 4 Weeks:

Being sexy and to be an eye candy is a dream for everybody. It is obvious of course. Who doesn't want to be sexy and healthy? Everybody does! Being a bit overweight or worst obese is really bad for the health and losing those extra pounds is really needed. Well, this is not just for overweight people but also for those who want to consider losing some extra weight. Losing those extra pounds is doesn't hurt, in fact it has a lot of advantages like being healthy. So for those people who wants lose some weight, here are some tips in losing those extra pounds.

1. Exercise. To exercise is a need for the body. It is not just for those who want to lose some weight. To exercise is the best way to lose some of that extra weight and to maintain the body you always wanted. But for most people, to exercise means to go to the gym and do some work out. Exercise is not just those, it can be regular work like doing some simple chores. But to really lose some weight, you gone do some jogging early morning and swimming. Swimming is the best exercise actually.

2. Cut those extra calories. The next tip is to cut some calories in your diet especially if don't do some heavy work that needs those calories you take. Calories are the energy producing potential in food to do work in which if not used, is converted to fat and is stored in the body. So it is best to cut those extra calories when you don't do heavy work. We suggest having a low calorie diet like oatmeal and fruits.

3. Adjust your eating habits. Some people eat three times a day which is breakfast, lunch and dinner. But for most people, they still eat food in between those meals. Foods like Lays, Ritz and Oreo's. Those foods actually contain high calories. So to prevent weight gain, cut that extra food intake in between meals.

4. Have enough sleep. Studies show that people who lack sleep actually gain weight. Even more, sleeping more can help you lose weight! (source) People gain weight when they lack sleep because their metabolism slows down so much of the energy is stored and becomes fat. So avoid lacking sleep.

For some people it is really hard to cut some food intake in between meals. But to lose those extra pounds, you have to sacrifice to have the body you always wanted by cutting meals and exercising. Actually eating is not bad. You just have to reduce your food intake to prevent gaining some unwanted weight. So if you want to lose some weight and be sexy and healthy, you can follow our tips in losing those extra pounds.