How to Build Muscle Mass Using HCG

HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a naturally occurring hormone that plays a role in the development of an ovum (egg) and in stimulating the release of the ovum during ovulation. It can be used to increase fertility in women, increase sperm count in men, and also to stimulate the dropping of the testicles in boys who do not see this naturally occur by puberty. HCG is typically injected with instructions from the prescribing physician. An alternative use for HCG has been suggested in the areas of weight loss and muscle building, based on research by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons.

Things You'll Need

  • HCG (injection or sublingual)

Tips For You

  1. Combine a low-calorie diet with HCG sublingual drops, taken twice per day. The low-calorie diet is often suggested to be dangerously low, around 500 calories per day, which is meant to stimulate weight loss while the HCG helps muscles grow faster, burning even more fat. If you are using the sublingual drops, it is suggested that liquids be avoided for at least 30 minutes following the application of the drops beneath the tongue to allow time for complete absorption. If fat loss is not a major concern, a healthy balanced diet can be consumed, and is more widely preferred by medical professionals.
  2. Engage in weight training at regular intervals, usually three times a week with a day of rest in between each hard workout. Be certain to drink sufficient water throughout each workout, and throughout the day, to ensure the muscles do not become dehydrated. Muscles are made up of protein and water primarily, and as such, require adequate nutrition and water for proper functioning, maintenance and growth.
  3. Continue the HCG regimen for about three weeks, or 21 days. This is the average recommended time for HCG diets and muscle-building routines. Although this substance is called "safe" by diet companies, and is used safely for infertility treatments and to assist in the testicular dropping of boys nearing puberty, it is considered a performance enhancer by professional sports organizations and is banned by Major League Baseball.