How to Lose Weight in Less Than 7 Days

You have long-term goals and short-term goals. While your long-term goals may include losing weight, you can add that to your short-term list as well. You can lose weight in a healthy fashion in less than 7 days by changing a few things you're currently doing in your everyday life

Tips For You

  1. Set reasonable goals. You can't expect to lose 20 or more pounds in one week. An average healthy weight loss during a 7-day period is 1 to 2 pounds, possibly up to 10 if you're considered obese by BMI (body max index) standards.
  2. Make a menu. If you plan your meals ahead of time, you're more likely to stick to your food choices. Three full meals each day, as well as snacks throughout the day are ideal. Limit your meals to small, but fulfilling meals that include protein and fats, as well as carbohydrates sparingly, at each sitting.
  3. Shop for your food for the entire week. Using your menu from Step 2, purchase all your foods. This way, you have no excuses to stray from your plan.
  4. Schedule exercise. Much like menu planning, exercising can become a routine that is natural and enjoyable. Participate in activities that are pleasing for you, and those that keep you motivated.
  5. Remain hydrated. Weight loss during the first few days may be water weight loss. But to rid your body of excess water weight, you must increase and continue to drink fluids. Water is your best choice, but a calorie-free option such as Crystal Lite can add flavor and may curb your cravings for sweets.
  6. Eat. As silly as it sounds, you must eat in order to lose weight.