Tips to Lose Weight in Three Days

It is certainly possible to lose a few pounds in three days. The only drawback is that you are almost guaranteed to gain it back a few days later, as most of your loss will consist of water weight. Sometimes, you may end up even heavier than when you started.


  • The absolute fastest way to lose lots of weight quickly is to go on a water fast. Canadian chiropractor Ben Kim says on his website,, that fasting can yield a weight loss of a pound a day or more. "Initially, the loss may approach two or even three pounds per day for the first few days if the person is retaining significant sodium and water. From day two onward, the body begins utilizing fatty tissues for energy, thereby conserving as much muscle tissue as possible," he writes. This means that you could lose six to eight pounds in three days.
    Kim also points out that water fasting is better than juice fasting because "more fat tissue is burned during a water fast, as your body must rely exclusively on fat reserves to supply its energy needs after the first 1-3 days of water fasting." (ref 1) Based on this, it seems your chances of keeping the lost pounds off are greater with water fasting.


  • If you are in good shape and work out regularly, you can embark on an extreme exercise routine without running the risk of much injury. For example, you can focus on jogging a couple of hours per day. If you have the energy, insert spurts of all-out running in your steady-state jog. One minute every five minutes is an appropriate format. If you are not in great shape, focus on walking briskly for a few hours per day. Whether you run or walk, use athletic shoes meant for the activity you are doing. You can skip weight training these three days, as weight training is only good for long-term weight loss.

Body Wrap

  • If you have a couple hundred dollars to spare, find a spa that specializes in slimming body wraps. Some spas promise that you will lose up to 30 inches all over. It does seem there is some truth to this promise, though your weight loss will be in water, not fat. Also, it depends on how much water you are retaining from the beginning. In other words, if you are looking to slim down really fast, a body wrap is something you might look into.