Green Tea Diet That Maximizes Weight Loss

Everyone is looking for a safe and natural way to increase their metabolism and lose weight. Many are turning to tea as an option. To help them safely raise their metabolism and loss weight. The Green Tea Diet uses tea as an alternative to weight loss supplements and powders.

There have been several studies that have indirectly stated that tea provides a boost to exercised-induced weight loss. At one time some thought the effects were due to the caffeine content of the tea. Now researchers have discovered that the tea actually has properties that go beyond those that would be explained by caffeine alone.

During one study the same amount of caffeine found in green tea was administered alone to one group over several weeks, but it did not produced the same results as those given the green tea during the same time period. This led researchers to believe that the increased metabolism and fat oxidation was promoted by the active ingredient found in green tea, catechins.

Catechins are believed to increase the body's utilization of fat.

As research is steadily confirming, this particular health benefit of tea. Some dieters might think they can simply drink tea and lose weight without breaking a sweat which is not true. A truly effective weight loss plan should always involve a fair amount of exercise and a low-fat diet. The tea is a supplement, not the sole way to lose weight.

Research is showing that moderate exercise seems to work synergistically with green tea to significantly bring down a person's weight by burning fat and increasing their metabolism.

A diet plan that includes the use of tea, should also be low in calories. A more significant weight loss and decrease in body mass index (BMI) has been seen when dieters choose to switch their dietary fat intake to unsaturated fats, such as those found in avocado, nuts, fish and vegetable oil just to name a few.

Dieters can also opt to use pills containing green tea extracts as part of their weight loss plan. Dieters concerned about their weight should be conscious that a tea diet does not evolve around the tea alone. It should be combined with moderate exercise and a low-calorie diet to achieve maximum weight loss, but it is a great way to supplement any diet program and boost your metabolism, by simply adding or supplementing with one cup of green tea at every meal.