How To Use Green Tea Lose Weight

Dieting is not meant to just look good, although it is one of the major reasons why people try to lose weight. One of the most important things to consider is what it can do for your physical health and well-being. If you are exceeding what your ideal body weight should be, it is a sign that you should start working to take all the excess out and get back to being as fit as you should normally be. That said, you should also find the healthiest options available, so you lose weight safely and get all the proper nutrition in your body in spite of your limited intake of food. Coupled with regular exercise, you’ll be back to normal before you know it. A popular and healthy choice to help in your dieting process is green tea. Aside from its powerful anti-oxidant properties, green tea contains catechin, a substance that has be studied to burn fats quickly and hold back frequent cravings to eat. It is all natural too, and a lot of its active elements does not help you to only lose weight, but helps in the prevention of other diseases as well. Although not everyone may have the taste for green tea, there is no reason why they should not make use of it and benefit from all it has to offer. Here are some ways to do that.
  • Taking green tea as a regular beverage. If you enjoy the flavor of tea, take at least three cups a day. This is an ideal amount to consume if you want to lose more pounds in less time. If you wish, you could enhance its flavor according to your taste by adding a little bit of honey or a bit of lemon juice. You can also do as the English do and drink your tea with milk if you wish.
  • Taking green tea in pill form. If you are not happy drinking green tea in its liquid state, you may want to consider ingesting it in pill form instead. The recommended dosage for someone on a diet is 1 to 2 pills a day. This amount is sufficient to cover for the 3 cups a day routine, performing for your body the same function as when you drink tea directly.
  • Adding green tea extract into your regular diet. Drinking tea is healthy, and if you don’t like its taste, you can always add tea extract in your diet but always make sure to let your doctor know before doing it. The effect is basically the same as drinking the tea, but its flavor is masked by the other flavors you have on your plate.
  • Using a green tea patch. If you have no known allergies, a green tea patch may be another way of incorporating green tea into your weight loss program. The patch is attached to the skin, on any portion that is free from hair. This must be left on your skin for one whole day to allow it to work on your system and help you lose some weight.

Consider green tea as your healthy option, whether to lose weight or to stay healthy. With all that it has to offer, you help build up your body’s defenses while breaking down unnecessary body fats.