10 Pounds In 7 Days - No Pills - How to Lose Weight In One Week

How to lose weight in one week?

There are many diet plans to help you lose a lot of weight in a week or so, but most of them make you starve or force you to use weird supplements. But If you want to lose a lot of weight in a really short period of time, apply the following steps.

 1. Change Your Diet.

Drink A Lot of Water (64 ounces of water a day Minimum).
Water plays a huge role in the weight loss progress because it cleans the body of daily toxins. So drink a glass or two of water before each meal, and two before bed and when you wake up.

 Eat More Often, But Don't Eat More Food.
Just spread it out through the day. Science proved that when we eat, our TEF (Thermic Effect of Food) raises. A high TEF raises our metabolism, reduces feelings of hunger, and ultimately leads to weight loss. So you really should eat more often (5 times a day) and more healthy, eat more fruits, nuts, or low-fat yogurt, and if you really want to know how to lose weight in one week or such a short time, pre-measure your snacks and meals and put them in resealable baggies so you won't overeat.

 Eat More Healthy and Cut Out Processes Foods.
If you want to know how to lose weight in one week or such a short time, you should load up on foods that have high water and fiber content, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean dairy and meats, and skip the fast food and restaurants and you might have the answer on how to lose weight in one week. Fortunately, foods like fruits and vegetables fill us up more quickly without the calories. Protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram; fat has 9. Fiber has between 1.5 and 2.5 and, of course, water has 0, so load up on foods that have high water and fiber content like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean dairy and meats, and skip the fast food and restaurants and you might the answer on how to lose weight in one week.

 Eat Only What your Body Needs.
Eating any more than what your body needs will only increase your weight; also, it's important to understand that eating less than what your body needs will gain you weigh as well. So by standards, each meal of an adult should contain 90g or 3oz of protein, 1/2 cup (about 87.5g) of starch and 1 cup (about 175g) of vegetables.

2. Exercise.

Do cardio.
Even though we are talking about how to lose weight in one week, working out must be a regular thing in your daily life, even after this week that if you want to continue to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Both Cardio and strength training are important for maximal weight loss, however, Cardio burns more fat than strength training. If you don't like running, play a fun sport like swimming or use the elliptical machine.

Here is some good news, there are many activities that count as a cardio workout, see how many calories burned in 30 minutes after each of the following activities:

Aerobic dance - 342

Boxing - 330

Jumping rope - 286

Tennis - 232

Basketball - 282

Swimming (freestyle) - 248

Do Yoga.
To be honest, losing 10 pounds in 7 days is pretty difficult, so you need to burn as many calories as you can, and yoga is a perfect tip on how to lose weight in just one week, as it burns 3-6 calories a minute, that's 180-360 calories while watching TV for one hour.

Stay moving.
Doing cardio, strength training, and yoga (yoga burns 3-6 calories a minute, that's 180-360 calories while watching TV for one hour) and this is how to lose weight in just one week. But if you could ride your bike to work or school, or do household chores (like washing the car, tending the garden, and rearranging the furniture), that would really help you reach your goal.

3. Track Your Progress.

First, Do the Math.
Let's face it: 10 pounds in one week is a steep goal, and to achieve that goal you need to do the math to know exactly how much you need to stick to in order to lose 10 pounds in 1 week.

Let's do the math together. Each pound equal 3,500 calories, so you need to burn 35,000 calories a week, that's 5,000 per day, minus 2,000 (that you burn naturally).

So it's 3,000 calories per day, it seems crazy and unreal, however, an incredibly strict diet, exercise, and the loss of the initial water weight may put you nearer to this goal than the math allows for.

Enlist a witness.
Tell a family member, a roommate or a friend about your plans, and ask if you can give them regular progress reports. Holding yourself accountable is essential to know how to lose weight in one week, and knowing that you are accountable to someone else will keep you motivated and honest.