3 Great Moves To Do With A Medicine Ball

Looking to create a home workout for yourself? If you aren't so keen on going to the gym three to five times a week and would prefer to exercise in the comfort of your own home, this is definitely possible with the right approach.

You don't even need all too much in the way of equipment to get in the exercises that can easily add shape and definition to your physique. One of the best pieces of equipment to consider using is the medicine ball which can be purchased for a cost-effective price at almost any exercise or fitness store.

Here are three great moves to consider doing with the medicine ball that will get you seeing strength gains...

1. Lunges With A Twist. Lunges are a great move to strengthen your entire body and now you'll be taking it up a notch.

Hold the medicine ball directly in front of your body and as you lunge forward with one foot, rotate your body to the opposing side with the medicine ball in hand. As you rise back up through the first lunge and move into the next, twist to the other side for the second rep.

Continue on doing this until you've taken 10 to 20 steps forward. Because of the twisting action, you'll now be calling into play your oblique and ab muscles to a much larger degree.

2. Overhead Squats. Another great move for hitting your lower body is the squat. To ramp up the intensity, try this overhead squat instead. Hold the medicine ball directly over your head, elbows extended. Once there, begin to squat back down, keeping this position the entire time. As you do this, go as low to the ground as possible.

This will call your core into play to a larger degree as well as it keeps you stabilized over your feet and, in addition, you'll also work your shoulders to a small degree when holding the ball over your head.

3. Sit-Ups With The Ball. Finally, to really hit your core, try sit-ups with the medicine ball. To do these, hold the ball into your chest and then bring yourself directly up into the sit-up position. Once you're there, extend your arms directly out holding the ball and now you can twist from one side to the next and back to center. As you reach center, sit back again, holding the ball into your chest to repeat the movement pattern.

You'll not only be adding additional resistance with this exercise, but you'll be hitting your obliques once again with that twisting movement.

So pick up a medicine ball and give these exercises a try. They'll provide added challenge, improving your overall fitness level.