4 Commandments To Stick With In Your Workout Plan

Having trouble staying the course on your fitness plan? If so, you might just need a few guidelines to help keep you on track. Many people often struggle with going to the gym on a regular basis, but the great news is with a few smart strategies, you can overcome this.

Let's look at the four commandments you must remember if you want to become a regular at the gym...

1. Get A Plan. First things first, never start a workout without a plan in place. There are so many ways you can go about building your fitness level, so if you don't have a plan, you'll simply become overwhelmed.

Find a plan and then stick with it for at least 6 weeks. After that period, you can evaluate whether you want to continue with that particular plan or try something new.

2. Know Your Intensity Level. Next, know your intensity level. While it's great you are working out at maximum intensity, realize you cannot do this every day or you will get burnt out.

Vary your intensity level. Build into your program some easy and hard days so you are challenged but at the same time, are also able to recover.

3. Think About The Long-Term. It's also important when approaching your workout plan, you think about the long-term.

Don't view your workout plan as something to help you get fit over the next month. Think of it as a lifestyle change you will keep up for years to come. By shifting your thinking like this, you'll stand a better chance of choosing a plan you will stick with.

If you only view the short-term, you're more likely to choose plans that leave you frustrated and falling off the bandwagon.

4. Build In Some Fun. Finally, make sure you build in some fun. Fitness should never feel torturous or you know you don't have the right plan.

While you may not love every session you do, you should have at least one or two workouts you truly look forward to each week. Having this will help ensure you stay committed. Try a group sport or some other activity you remember loving when you were younger.

So there you have a few quick tips to help you become more consistent with your workout schedule. If you approach it in the right manner, you'll have a far greater chance of seeing the success you're after.